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Gantt chart - month/year in one row

Fiona R
Fiona R
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



We have quite a long project happening. We would like to know if it's possible to show the Gantt chart view with weeks for 2017 and quarters or years for 2018/19. Is there anyway of doing this?


Hope this makes sense!


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/29/17

    Fiona, none that I can think of in just one sheet but it might be worth experimenting with adding a Report with Gantt that will give you that telescopic view for future years? 

    Hope that helps


  • Hi Richard,


    Would this mean printing off 2017-18 on the original sheet and then doing a report for subsequent years?

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I am defintely not recommending priniting anything off when you can have Real Time Reports on your screen. 

    What I suggest is you create a Report, that by date selection focuses on the short term, then another Report that selects the longer term period. in the second Report use the settings area (top left in Gantt window) to choose Quarters or even years, so you Gantt bars will give you the telescopic view what you seek. 

    Plus you can Publish those Reports and send a link to "View only colleagues", who want the big picture, but you dont want them changing anything.

    While your editors would be shared to the master sheet and those Reports so they CAN make changes. 

    If you are not already familiar with Reports then review this...



    Hope that helps?



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