Today minus a date field

allison.bastone24911 ✭✭✭✭
edited 03/30/21 in Formulas and Functions

What am I doing wrong?

=Today() - [Column 5]@row

Column 5 is a date field.

This is giving me an #DATE EXPECTED error


  • Make sure that when you hit enter on the cell your lower case is converted to all caps. The formulas are formatted as follows:

    =TODAY() - [Column 5]@row

    The #DATE EXPECTED error is defined as follows:

    Formula Error Messages | Smartsheet Learning Center

    Check that your Column 5 is formatted to a date and not defined as a text/number:

    1. Right click on the column header
    2. Select Edit Column Properties
    3. Select Column Type "Date"
    4. Optional: You will want to click restrict to dates only

  • Thank you! Although I had everything about as you outlined...I realized my formula would not be returning a I needed to move the formula to a text/number field in order for it to work. Thanks for the brainstorm!

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