Separating rows in cells when generating pdf document

Tamara ✭✭✭✭✭

Is there a way to keep the rows clean and separate when you generate documents.

In the cell I use "alt enter" to separate the information I type in.

In the background, I have several formulas working to populate cells that allow me to print a pdf correctly. The information is correct, it's just one big long scrunched up piece of information. See the example below.

Should Read Like This:

Row 1: Job Number Job Name Qty Serial Number

Row 2: Item Number Customer Color Code

Formula Reads

=[JobNumber]@row+[JobName]@row+[Qty]@row+[SerialNumber]@row+[Item Number]@row+[Customer]@row+[Color Code]@row

Result of the formula:

Job Number Job Name Qty Serial Number Item Number Customer Color Code

Problem being is there are sometimes several rows of information in the box. So some Job Numbers end up with another job number's information below it.

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