Index A Pivot Table

Does anyone have experience using Index on a pivot table? Or perhaps there is a better way.

We use a pivot table to summarize various stages of the sales process (not contacted, needs contact, active priority, hot needs call, warm needs call, etc). I need to pull the summary numbers from that pivot table each week into a summary sheet so I can run reports on the progress of these numbers.

Is this possible or is there a better way?



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You could use an INDEX/MATCH

    =INDEX({Pivot Sheet Numbers Column}, MATCH([Sales Stage]@row, {Pivot Sheet Stage Column}, 0))

    but this will provide a live match which could also be accomplished via standard cell linking.

    If you need static data for historical purposes, you would need to use a Copy Row Automation and then an INDEX/MATCH to pull the most recently copied data.

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