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Date column

Kerry Lump
Kerry Lump ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi - I need some assistance. I have a column with a given date. I have another column which will need to be that date plus 16 weeks. Is there a formula I can use to add that and get the correct future date?



  • I can't find a way that feels good, but I can find a way that works. Basically, you make your sheet a project sheet by enabling project settings and give everything a duration of 16w. You can then hide the duration column:


    Add a Duration column, right click a column and choose edit project settings. Click the Dependencies enabled box. Somewhere in here it will ask if you want to use your existing Duration column, choose to do so. Make sure the start and end date fields are set to your given date and the future date. Go back to the duration column and enter 16w for all the rows. You should now get this calculation.


    You can hide the Duration column if you want.


  • [First Date]1=whatever date you set

    [Future Date]1=[First Date]1 + 112


    1) [Future Date] column must be a Date type column


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