Metric from Report?

Is there a way I can display a metric from a report?


  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy Community Champion

    @Aprylli Bernarte I'm curious why you would need to. The metrics as good practice should be produced from the source data shouldn't they?

  • Umesh Shah
    Umesh Shah ✭✭✭✭

    @Dale Murphy I have a use case as to why this would be useful. I have a report which is pulling data from 50+ sheets, grouping them, and counting them by group. I would like a metric for the total number of records in the report based on my filters. How can I do this without having to replicate the summary calculation across 50+ sheets?

    Not having summary fields in a report seems like a big missed opportunity.

  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy Community Champion

    @Umesh Shah Fair point. Now, if you can build the summary field in one sheet and get the accurate result you want, you can [easily] replicate that field to all your other sheets (with the Copy Sheet Summary function) and then report on it.

    I end up having to re-imagine how metrics like these need to be presented. Sometimes I change the approach (esp to metrics) based on the audience.

    Agree with your assertion about the opportunity.



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