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Options for Sheet Totals to Drive Dashboard Chart

Greetings, Community!

Looking for some guidance relating to sheet totals and how to plot them on a chart. The below screenshot if from a pivot sheet. I mocked up a set of totals rows at the bottom of the sheet. My goal is to SUMIF based on the Category (SM, PF, PL, SysOps) for each time range. I'm looking for a solution that is easy to maintain ... meaning, I don't really want to have to create a new sheet summary field or customize a SUMIF formula each new time column is created. Looking more for a separate metric sheet solution that would have a formula we could copy/paste when a new time column is created.

Here's a mockup of a simple report I'm looking to create from the summary metric results so you have the whole picture into the ask.

Thanks in advance!


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Andy Lorance ,

    Does inserting a chart widget into a dashboard not work for you? Select the totals you want charted. Adding new columns would be a manual process of extending your range if you don't want blank future months on the chart.

    There are a couple posts in the community about creating a rolling 12 or 13 month chart. You may find them useful as well.

    What am I missing?


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  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, Mark - thanks for the reply! If I use the pivot sheet from above (without the ‘total’ rows at the bottom), parent rows will be included and the reflection would be inaccurate. My goal is to chart the child rows only.

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