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Select predecessors

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I would like to find a way to select rows that are predecessors to an other row. 

I want to to do this in order to create a notifications that sends an email to the person in charge of a task, when the predecessors tasks are finished, so he knows he has to get to work on this task. 

Thank you, 



  • Hi Sebastien,

    There isn't a way to notify a user assigned to one task when a predecessor task is finished.

    You might consider adding a dropdown column to your sheet that you can use to set the status of someone's row, such as "Need to Start," "In Progress," and "Complete."

    Then you can create a notification to the assignee when the status on their row is set to "Need to Start."

  • Is there a way to have the status automatically change once a predecessor is complete?  The only thing I've been able to come up with so far is using additional columns with an if statement on the status of each predecessor and then an if statement in the status cell of the task in question.

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