Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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If month is January set to Q1

I would like to set up a formula that is based on a dropdown of the months. Q1 would be January to March. I have been looking at using the month's formula but realized that it works off of dates, not a month dropdown. Is there a formula that I can use to update the quarter based on the month from the drop-down?


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Daniel,

    Try, replate date@row with the name of your date column:

    =IF(ISDATE(Date@row), IF(MONTH(Date@row) <= 3, "Q1", IF(MONTH(Date@row) <= 6, "Q2", IF(MONTH(Date@row) <= 9, "Q3", "Q4"))))



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  • Hi Mark,

    I have tried the formula below and am getting an unparasable error.

    =IF(ISDATE(Planned@row), IF(MONTH(Planned@row <= 3, "Q1", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 6, "Q2", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 9, "Q3", "Q4"))))))

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try, missing a paren:

    =IF(ISDATE(Planned@row), IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 3, "Q1", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 6, "Q2", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 9, "Q3", "Q4"))))

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  • It is no longer showing unparsable, but it is no longer showing any value in the cell.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try this variation. If it returns "no date" check the format of your Planned column. It needs to be a date column and the row needs an entry.

    =IFERROR(IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 3, "Q1", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 6, "Q2", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 9, "Q3", "Q4")))), "no date")



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  • It is giving an unparsable error again.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Daniel,

    This formula works for me:

    =IF(ISDATE(Planned@row), IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 3, "Q1", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 6, "Q2", IF(MONTH(Planned@row) <= 9, "Q3", "Q4"))))

    Confirm that your date column is title [Planned] and that it is set as a date.

    Are you in the US? If not you may need to change the commas to periods for the right syntax.



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  • Try this - includes the FY (that you can leave out):

    ="Q" + IF(OR([Filter Month]@row = "April", [Filter Month]@row = "May", [Filter Month]@row = "June"), "1", IF(OR([Filter Month]@row = "July", [Filter Month]@row = "August", [Filter Month]@row = "September"), "2", IF(OR([Filter Month]@row = "October", [Filter Month]@row = "November", [Filter Month]@row = "December"), "3", IF(OR([Filter Month]@row = "January", [Filter Month]@row = "February", [Filter Month]@row = "March"), "4")))) + "FY" + IF(MONTH(TODAY()) < 4, RIGHT(YEAR(TODAY()), 2), VALUE(RIGHT(YEAR(TODAY()), 2)) + 1)

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