How do I set schedule health on row 1?

How do I set schedule health on row 1 for project level to be based on schedule health of tasks below?

Based on my example below, the row 1 "Schedule health" should be "Red" based on the fact that rows 11. 12, and 13 are "Red".

What would be the formula to use so that if one of the underlining rows are "Red" then the Project should be "Red"?

Best Answer


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    I notice some different formatting on each of the rows. Do you happen to have them indented so that the white rows are children of the gray rows and the gray are children of the blue?

  • I was able to research and figure it out so that my row 1 (project level) formula will be set to "Red" if any of the tasks/activities are "Red", if not "Red" then test for "Green: and if not :Green" which indicates tasks/activities have started and if not "Green" then test for "Blue" which indicates tasks/activities have not started where ALL tasks/activities will be set on initial load of the project plan template.

    Formula used and is working:

    =IF(HAS([Schedule Health]:[Schedule Health], "Red"), "Red", IF(HAS([Schedule Health]:[Schedule Health], "Green"), "Green", IF(HAS([Schedule Health]:[Schedule Health], "Blue"), "Blue")))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Glad you were able to figure it out. Please don't forget to mark your answer as the "accepted answer" so that the post is marked as resolved and others searching for a similar solution can know that one may be found here.

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