Creating a Report

I am trying to create a report that has sums both on the bottom of each collum and end of each row. I've create the report i was trying to run through excel through the pivot table an tried to copy it over to Smartsheet's so it can be used company wide but I am having trouble creating it. I've attached the report I am trying to duplicate for reference. I've tried creating a sheet an pulling that sheet into a report with the info but I am so lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Evalin Sosa

    Hope you are fine, you can do that by using the Pivot App, or you can design a summary sheet and create a formula for each cell to collect and calculate the value for you.

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  • I tried the pivot app but it was quite working. I haven't tried creating a formula, not as familiar with that part yet but Ill have to try it.

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