IF statement to return an arrow?

Hello, I am trying to get Smartsheet to return an arrow if a certain cell's value is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. I wrote this function to do this but it does not results in anything:

=IF([Change in cFTE]@row < 0, "Down", IF([Change in cFTE]@row = 0, "Unchanged", IF([Change in cFTE] 0, "Up", "Blank")))

I'd like the function to return an Up arrow if the value is greater than 0, a sideways arrow if it's equal to 0, and a down arrow if it's less than 0.

How can I do this?

Best Answer

  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni
    Answer βœ“

    I think "Blank" was your issue. Try this:

    =IF([Change in cFTE]@row < 0, "Down", IF([Change in cFTE]@row = 0, "Unchanged", IF([Change in cFTE]@row > 0, "Up", "")))

    NOTE: If your Change in cFTE column is blank, the formula will select Unchanged. It appears to be reading blank as Zero. So if you really want a blank to give you a blank in that column, try this...

    =IF([Change in cFTE]@row < 0, "Down", IF(ISBLANK([Change in cFTE]@row), "", IF([Change in cFTE]@row = 0, "Unchanged", IF([Change in cFTE]@row > 0, "Up", ""))))


  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni
    Answer βœ“

    I think "Blank" was your issue. Try this:

    =IF([Change in cFTE]@row < 0, "Down", IF([Change in cFTE]@row = 0, "Unchanged", IF([Change in cFTE]@row > 0, "Up", "")))

    NOTE: If your Change in cFTE column is blank, the formula will select Unchanged. It appears to be reading blank as Zero. So if you really want a blank to give you a blank in that column, try this...

    =IF([Change in cFTE]@row < 0, "Down", IF(ISBLANK([Change in cFTE]@row), "", IF([Change in cFTE]@row = 0, "Unchanged", IF([Change in cFTE]@row > 0, "Up", ""))))

  • Thank you! This was the solution, I was able to get this to work with your formula.

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