Automation - customizing the response layout


I have set up a test sheet which has the automation: when APPROVED = YES then notify Named Person (See below)

When that person receives the email, they get a grid of the entries in column format (see below)

Is there a way to stack the responses as opposed to seeing the whole grid as my live data has around 40 columns which would be too large to see horizontally but if they could be stacked (see example below) the scrolling and space save would be much better and more likely to get a response

For Example:

Question 1 - Was there any water available - YES

Question 2 - Was there any food available? - YES

Question 3 - Were there any tables available? - NO

Instead of seeing it in a grid

Q1. Was there any water available Q2. Was there any food available? Q3. Were there any tables available?





  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Daniel Barrett 

    Hope you are fine, as i see in your automation you applied all field to be in the notification message, you can select the fields you need to be displayed only.

    PMP Certified

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