Help With A formula

=SUMIF({Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range 1}, IF({Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range 2}, [Primary Column]@row))

I am trying a formulas that will count that numbers in the right hand column if/when the description on the right hand side is the same eg so i want a total for full inspections - this needs to be linked to another sheet that will tell me the quantity count of full inspections and visual inspections ect ect

Best Answer

  • Andrew McCreath
    Answer ✓

    Try using =SUMIFS as the logic, something like this:

    =SUMIFS({Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range 1},{Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range 2}, [Primary Column]@row)

    or in a new report, define the ranges and use (for example)

    Qualcheck1 for Quality Checks Tracker FY21-22 Range1, etc

    =SUMIFS({Qualcheck}1, Task@row, {Qualcheck2}, "July")


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