Data a file was last modified?



I have 44 project plan files and I need to generate a report each month that will tell me the most recent date each of these files was modified (i.e. the file was last saved). I am trying to add a forumla into a dummry column in each file to then enable me to report on that column but I cant get any of the suggested forumula to work for me? Any ideas? Thanks.


Best Answer


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Angus Bishop

    One approach is to use a Summary Field (found in the right hand menu) since, if I understand you correctly, you are only looking for a single value in each of the 44 project sheets. You would add the summary field to each sheet with the same formula shown below.

    The Summary field needs to be formatted as a Date Field. You would then select Summary Report when pulling in the data from your different sheets

    Try this formula

    =MAX(COLLECT(Modified:Modified, Modified:Modified, ISDATE(@cell)))


  • Angus Bishop


    Thanks thats great - I am a bit new to this but thats a great suggestion. I am getting an unpassable error though?


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Angus Bishop

    Is your Modified column called Modified? Did you copy paste my formula directly into your Summary field? Could you give me an actual screenshot of the formula? I wish to see the colored text and parentheses.


  • Angus Bishop
    Angus Bishop ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Worked! my error in the typo of the new field. Thanks again - appreciate your help!


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