Auto Numbering and Formula usage of Auto Numbering

I have 2 different scenarios and need some one to help,

  1. If I am using auto numbering tool for a particular column, the list will be in sequential order. Incase, I insert a row between the auto numbers, how it will respond ? Don't want the existing number to change.
  2. If I am using the formula to auto number based on some if conditions, and this auto numbering is from bottom to top. For example, the change happen in row 1 and row 3, but row 2 remains same, the auto numbering will be update in those row 1 & 3. But when a cell on row 2 updated, row 1 auto changes. How to avoid that and also make sure the auto number in row 2 as well. I used below formula to auto number. IF([ECR Status]@row = "Approved", COUNTIFS([ECN number]$4:[ECN number]4, ISNUMBER(@cell)) + 1) Thank you for the support


  • Brett Wyrick
    Brett Wyrick ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @APalani! Welcome to the community.

    I think you should have a look at Smartsheet's article on Auto-Numbering. It sounds like you've created a customized solution for something that is available by default from Smartsheet.

    For #1, utilize the method described in the article from Smartsheet for auto-numbering. Using Smartsheet's default "auto number" column, when you insert a row anywhere, the brand new row is given a brand new number that is different than every other row. No numbers change on any row. Make sense?

    For #2, could you send a screenshot? I'm not sure how to answer this without seeing it. I think Row 1 is a Parent row, but I'm not sure without knowing further context.

    If this answer answers your question, please press "Yes" above - it helps the community (and those random Googlers out there 👀) find solutions like yours faster.


    Brett Wyrick | Connect with me on LinkedIn.


    2023 update: I'm no longer working on Smartsheet stuff. I started working at Microsoft in 2022, plus I have 1-year-old twins at home and frankly, I don't have enough time to do Smartsheet anymore. It's been real, Smartsheeters!

  • APalani
    APalani ✭✭

    Thanks Brett for reaching out immediately

    Here is the sheet format

  • Brett Wyrick
    Brett Wyrick ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for this! Did you read through the article I linked?

    I think using an Auto-Number row is a good solution.

    To set this up, here are the steps:

    1. Right-click any column
    2. Select "insert column"
    3. Select "Auto-Number/System..."
    4. Then select Auto-Number.

    Then select the "Display Format". If you follow what I added in the screenshot it'll match what you're doing exactly.

    Let me know if that's helpful or what you're looking for.

    If this answer answers your question, please press "Yes" above - it helps the community (and those random Googlers out there 👀) find solutions like yours faster.


    Brett Wyrick | Connect with me on LinkedIn.


    2023 update: I'm no longer working on Smartsheet stuff. I started working at Microsoft in 2022, plus I have 1-year-old twins at home and frankly, I don't have enough time to do Smartsheet anymore. It's been real, Smartsheeters!

  • APalani
    APalani ✭✭


    In the same sheet, I already created an auto numbering, I am not able to add another auto numbering. The main purpose of this ECN auto numbering, once the ECR status changed from assigned --> approved, the auto numbering in that format should show up.

    Thank you!

  • Brett Wyrick
    Brett Wyrick ✭✭✭✭✭

    Gotcha. Okay. The plot thickens...

    What's your Auto-Number column look like?

    If this answer answers your question, please press "Yes" above - it helps the community (and those random Googlers out there 👀) find solutions like yours faster.


    Brett Wyrick | Connect with me on LinkedIn.


    2023 update: I'm no longer working on Smartsheet stuff. I started working at Microsoft in 2022, plus I have 1-year-old twins at home and frankly, I don't have enough time to do Smartsheet anymore. It's been real, Smartsheeters!

  • APalani
    APalani ✭✭

    Here the screen shot

    ECR number is generated using that auto numbering method.

  • Stumbled upon this. This is very helpful, I did not know there was an auto number column type.

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