Filling in a Form field to show a list from a sheet



Smartsheet GRID file contains a Client Master List. Client Master List has Client Number and Client Name columns. My Travel RSS Schedule Request Form for assigning Techs to Clients for travel, asks for the Client Name to be entered into the Form.   

So, what I’m wondering is, can Smartsheet query / lookup on a Form field?  If not, how can I pre-load from the Client Master List entries (without having to limit it to the list within a dropdown) into the form? 

Thank you!


Edward Nadareski


(p): (518) 857-1221

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Edward Nadareski

    No, there currently isn't a way to use a lookup in a Form across sheets. You can do a lookup formula on the underlying grid after the row has been submitted, but not within the form itself. You also wouldn't be able to pre-load the form with the potential values unless you added them as an option in a drop-down, as you suggested (or had them listed in the form description).

    Please let the Product team know about your use-case and requests by filling in this form, here!

    Thank you,



  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Edward Nadareski

    No, there currently isn't a way to use a lookup in a Form across sheets. You can do a lookup formula on the underlying grid after the row has been submitted, but not within the form itself. You also wouldn't be able to pre-load the form with the potential values unless you added them as an option in a drop-down, as you suggested (or had them listed in the form description).

    Please let the Product team know about your use-case and requests by filling in this form, here!

    Thank you,


  • Edward Nadareski
    Edward Nadareski ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Genevieve P.

    Thank you very much for you response. I will send in a recommendation as you suggested.

    Thanks again! -Edward


    Edward Nadareski


    (p): (518) 857-1221

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