

I'm trying to create a formula to COUNT specific project type and a particular team name listing on the same reference list. The columns are not co-located, so I'm using 2 separate references. The team name is within a multi-select field (reference {Team} below), and the current formula does not pick up when multiple teams are listed in that reference. I tried to incorporate CONTAINS or do multiple COUNTIF statements but keep getting a #ERROR or #UNPARESABLE message in my formula. What am I missing?

Formula leverage

= COUNTIFS({Project Category}, [Primary Column]@row, {Team}, [Primary Column]1)

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Liv_24_7

    Does this work for you

    = COUNTIFS({Project Category}, [Primary Column]@row, {Team}, CONTAINS([Primary Column]1, @cell))

    If this formula does not work for you, please provide the community with screenshots so we can see how your data is being collected on your sheets. It is a bit confusing without the pictures to understand how data from a single column is being used as a reference in two seemingly very different fields. If the #Errors continue, it is also helpful to know exactly what #error you received.



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Liv_24_7

    Does this work for you

    = COUNTIFS({Project Category}, [Primary Column]@row, {Team}, CONTAINS([Primary Column]1, @cell))

    If this formula does not work for you, please provide the community with screenshots so we can see how your data is being collected on your sheets. It is a bit confusing without the pictures to understand how data from a single column is being used as a reference in two seemingly very different fields. If the #Errors continue, it is also helpful to know exactly what #error you received.


  • Liv_24_7

    Thank you so much @Kelly Moore that worked! I was missing the @cell piece to the CONTAINS logic.

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