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Caroline Bush
edited 08/18/21 in API & Developers

When a name enters the SmartSheet from a API form the name does not enter into the top of the SmartSheet like they do when entered from a UI form. They enter into the bottom. I really need away to have the newest date on top matter if they were added from a API form or a UI form. Any guidance you can give me will be greatly apricated. 


  • Hi @Caroline Bush

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you're using the Smartsheet API to Add Rows to your sheet. The default location for newly added rows will be on the bottom, but you can change this by adding a location-specifier attribute.

    I see that the details on the location-specifier attributes are missing from our updated API documentation so I've let our team know. In the meantime, you can reference our old, historical docs on "Specify Row Location" here.

    Destination / Row Attributes / Examples

    Top of a sheet / toTop / ("toTop": true}



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