I have a start date, due date, actual date completed. I need to track the number of day from start k

I have a start date, due date, actual date completed. I need to track the number of days from the start date to the due date and the start date to the actual date completed. This way I can be able to compare the days expected for the project to be done to the number of days it took to actually complete the project.


  • Emily Zeiger
    Emily Zeiger ✭✭✭✭

    Can you use a =NETDAYS([start date]@row, [due date]@row]. You could probably even use a flag column and do =IF(NETDAYS([Start Date]@row, [due]@row) < NETDAYS([Start Date]@row, [actual date completed]@row), "On Time", "Past Due") or something similar?

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