Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Open Discussion: Formula to Populate Multiple Contacts in a Single Cell?

Community Champion
edited 08/19/21 in Formulas and Functions

Alright... So there have been a lot of questions about using a formula to populate multiple usable contacts into a single cell, and it has always been said that it can't be done.

Well here is a solution that will start to fix that. I was presented with a challenge of populating multiple contacts into a single cell based on a multi-select dropdown column.

Reference Sheet:


a................John Smith

b................Jane Doe

c................Paul Newcome

Working Sheet:



a b.............................f

a b c..........................f


=JOIN(INDEX(COLLECT({Reference Sheet Contact Column}, {Reference Sheet Primary Column}, HAS([Multi-Select]@row, @cell)), 0), ", ")


Actually output the correct contacts as USABLE contacts into each of the single cells!!!!!! 🤯


@Susan Vieira for letting me highjack one of her posts to learn more about using 0 (zero) as the row number in an INDEX function.

@Genevieve P. For the brilliant idea of using 0 (zero) as the row number in an INDEX function.



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