Create calendar and dynamic document generator

Hi all,

Trying to create a database that does the following:

1 - Each crew member has their own line, and within it you can select what they are doing from a dropdown menu each day

2 - Have a report that summarises who's doing what on a given day

3 - Based on today's date ie 18-8 create a dynamic "Generate Document" form. I figure I do this in the report page - but when I change the column of the date, I need to edit the "Generate Document" file to represent the date I want


  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Daniella Said

    I hope you're well and safe!

    We can probably solve it by adding a so-called helper row that shows the date and then COLLECT the information together.

    Can you describe your process in more detail and maybe share the sheet(s)/copies of the sheet(s) or some screenshots? (Delete/replace any confidential/sensitive information before sharing) That would make it easier to help. (share too,

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe and have a fantastic day!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please support the Community by marking it Insightful/Vote Up or/and as the accepted answer. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

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