Formula for adding months onto a date

edited 09/08/21 in Formulas and Functions


Can someone please help me with a formula to auto calculate the 'Expected Finish' by adding the 'Duration' to 'Actual / Expected Start Date'?

Thanks so much!

This formula is getting an 'invalid data type' error:

=IF((MONTH([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row) + VALUE(LEFT(Duration@row, FIND(" ", Duration@row) - 1))) > 12, DATE(YEAR([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row) + 1, MOD(MONTH([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row) + VALUE(LEFT(Duration@row, FIND(" ", Duration@row) - 1)), 12), DAY([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row)), DATE(YEAR([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row), MONTH([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row) + VALUE(LEFT(Duration@row, FIND(" ", Duration@row) - 1)), DAY([Actual / Expected Start Date]@row)))


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