Multi Drop Down Formula

Hi everyone,

I am trying to put together a formula for an ethics check process.

The user needs to select all of the items in the drop down list in order for the client to pass the ethics check.

I would like to set a formula that automates Red, Amber, Green.

I would like the following;

Green if ALL of the options are selected.

Amber if 1 the options is selected

Red if 2 or more of the options are selected

I'm not sure where I am going wrong in the below formula.

=IF(CONTAINS([Check 1]@row = "Does not provide pay day lending or equivalent services"), ([Check 1]@row = "Is not a political party"), ([Check 1]@row = "Is not based in a country/territory known to have acted in violation of human rights"), ([Check 1]@row = "Does not manufacture or sell arms"), ([Check 1]@row = "Does not manufacture, sell or provide surveillance products or services"), ([Check 1]@row = "Does not manufacture, sell or provide adult entertainment goods or services"), ([Check 1]@row = "Does not manufacture, sell or provide tobacco or tobacco replacement services"), "Green")

Please could someone advise?

Thank you in advance


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