Formula for if check show another field

I have a sheet that I check off what someone purchases. However I would like to them have one spot on that sheet that shows everything someone purchased for reporting reasons. The below isn't in SS but its what I will have in SS. So the place that says Purchased, is a check box, then it has the item to the right of it. What i want to say is If Check box is checked, then show item in column B. That formual will end up in the All purchased" section.

How can I do that?

Best Answer

  • David Tutwiler
    David Tutwiler Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    This could be done with a report that looks at the sheet and looks for checks. But to do it on the sheet itself I think you could use a JOIN function for this. Someting like:

    =JOIN(COLLECT(Item:Item, Purchased:Purchased, true), ",")

    Where the Item is the range that you want to collect (the items purchased), Purchased is the range you are evaluating, and true means the checkboxes have been checked. This will bring in all of the items whose checkboxes are checked and separate them by a comma.


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