I've tried this formula in Excel to ensure I have the correct syntax and that it actually works...which is does. But when I recreate the formula in Smartsheet and reference the appropriate Smartsheet, I receive the #UNPARSEABLE error.

=SUMIFS({Sheet - Project Intake with Form Range 4}, {Sheet - Project Intake with Form Range 3,"Daily Checks",{Sheet - Project Intake with Form Range 2},"Receive From Canon"})

I've tried selecting both a range of cells and the entire column, both of which result in the same error.

Thanks in advance for any help or leads provided!

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ngoc L.

    A curly bracket is inadvertently out of place.

    Try this

    =SUMIFS({Sheet - Project Intake with Form Range 4}, {Sheet - Project Intake with Form Range 3},"Daily Checks",{Sheet - Project Intake with Form Range 2},"Receive From Canon")


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