CONTAINS not returning results

I'm having an ongoing problem with using CONTAINS to count the occurrence of a value in a multi-select column.

Here is my sample data:

Here is the formula:

=IF(CONTAINS("East", [Column2]:[Column2]), "Yes", "No")

As you can see, the first and second-to-last row should return "Yes" and the rest should return No, but they are all returning "Yes"

I'm pretty sure I have the syntax correct, but I could be missing something

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Best Answer

  • Etienne Mermillod
    Etienne Mermillod ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    When you write this kind of expression it will look for all values in the column, not only the current row: Column7]:[Column7] 

    The correct formula would look like :

    IF(CONTAINS("test", [Column7]@row),1,0)


  • Etienne Mermillod
    Etienne Mermillod ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    When you write this kind of expression it will look for all values in the column, not only the current row: Column7]:[Column7] 

    The correct formula would look like :

    IF(CONTAINS("test", [Column7]@row),1,0)

  • AFlint
    AFlint ✭✭✭✭

    @Etienne Mermillod

    Thank you! That did work. Unfortunately, that's the first layer of my problem. If I wanted to look up those values from another sheet, using a reference range, how do I build the @row portion into it?

    I can do a helper column on the source sheet and then just search for "Yes", but I'd like to avoid a separate column for each value.

    Thanks again.

  • Etienne Mermillod
    Etienne Mermillod ✭✭✭✭✭

    having a helper column to store the current row number and then using the index formula should to the trick.

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