Formulas and Functions

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COUNTIFS & Date Ranges


I am struggling with the correct syntex for a formula that counts the number of instances of a label "Sellers" in an external worksheet for a specific time period. I have attempted to apply the formula examples I have found in this community however I continue to receive Unparseable errors.

The Date column properties has been set as "Date"

The {APJ Enablment Tracker Range x } refers to the colum in a seperate smartsheet.

=COUNTIFS({APJ Enablement Tracker Range 1}, "Sellers", AND({APJ Enablement Tracker Range 2}, (@Cell >= DATE(2021, 09 , 30), @Cell <=DATE(2021, 10, 30)))

Appreciate any guidence.


Best Answer

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Bassam,

    Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately the @Cell function did not work. I ended up using the following formula (which is I know is not efficent) but it was the only one that worked.

    =COUNTIFS(APJ Enablement Tracker Range 3}, ="as A Service", {APJ Enablement Tracker Range 2}, >=DATE(2021, 9, 1), {APJ Enablement Tracker Range 2}, <=DATE(2021, 10, 30))


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