How to link 2 cells in different worksheets?



Trying to figure out on what formula or function can I use to link 2 cells in different worksheets.

Goal is to have the other cell auto update once a value is entered in a cell in a different sheet.

The date type is number.

Looking for any suggestions.

Best Answer

  • Malaina Hudson
    Malaina Hudson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @SSuser ,

    If the update you want to be made is to replicate the cell value from sheet one into a cell in sheet 2, then you'd position the cursor into the cell in the sheet you want to receive the data, then click the cell link icon in the tool ribbon and identify the sheet, then select the cell you want to grab.

    This action will result in receiving cell sheet 1 being equal to sending cell on sheet 2. That's a one-way link.

    If you wanted to use the value of sheet 1's cell value to update a formula on sheet 2, you'd start typing your formula in sheet 2, and when you got to the variable located in Sheet 1, you'd choose the Reference Another Sheet link in the formula dialogue box, and follow the prompts to identify the sheet 1 cell that should be part of your formula.

    Hope this helps.


  • Malaina Hudson
    Malaina Hudson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @SSuser ,

    If the update you want to be made is to replicate the cell value from sheet one into a cell in sheet 2, then you'd position the cursor into the cell in the sheet you want to receive the data, then click the cell link icon in the tool ribbon and identify the sheet, then select the cell you want to grab.

    This action will result in receiving cell sheet 1 being equal to sending cell on sheet 2. That's a one-way link.

    If you wanted to use the value of sheet 1's cell value to update a formula on sheet 2, you'd start typing your formula in sheet 2, and when you got to the variable located in Sheet 1, you'd choose the Reference Another Sheet link in the formula dialogue box, and follow the prompts to identify the sheet 1 cell that should be part of your formula.

    Hope this helps.

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