Creating a function formula to insert arrow indicators


I have one column called "Revenue is declining, stable, or growing" with numeric values of 1,2,3

The numeric values go into a total score and ranking for the account. That works fine.

In addition, in a separate column, I need to set up a function to give an up, down, neutral indicator based off the value in the above column.

Here's what I've tried and get an unparseable error:

=IF([Revenue is declining, stable, or growing]@row = 2, "Sideways", IF([Revenue is declining, stable, or growing]@row = 3 "Up",IF([Revenue is declining, stable, or growing]@row = 1, "Down"))

Here's an example of what I'm aiming for but I don't have the function set correctly for the trend indicator.


Best Answers

  • MarianneD617
    MarianneD617 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you mean like this:

    =IF([Revenue is declining, stable, or growing]@row = 2, "Sideways", IF([Revenue is declining, stable, or growing]@row = 3 "Up", IF([Revenue is declining, stable, or growing]@row = 1, "Down")))

    I still get an unparseable error. (Revenue Trend was set up as symbols after I saved the formula).

    I'm missing something...?


  • MarianneD617
    MarianneD617 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I was missing a comma after the 3. Solved with persistence!



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