COUNTIF Parent but not Children


I added active to my child rows to get the children to appear on a report so now I need to change my formula to exclude children from a count because of over-counting. I have seen articles about helper columns and added a checkbox helper but I haven't had any success. Some answers have shown an IF statement, but where do I type that statement?

Best Answer

  • James_Wilson
    James_Wilson ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I use a helper column that tells you if a row is a parent or child. Using this formula,

    =COUNT(ANCESTORS([Column Name]@row)) ,

    the helper column would have a value of 0 for SRS (parent) while Read Only, Planning, etc. (child rows) would have 1. Of course, you would then change to COUNTIFS to account for the additional variable.

    Will this work?


  • James_Wilson
    James_Wilson ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I use a helper column that tells you if a row is a parent or child. Using this formula,

    =COUNT(ANCESTORS([Column Name]@row)) ,

    the helper column would have a value of 0 for SRS (parent) while Read Only, Planning, etc. (child rows) would have 1. Of course, you would then change to COUNTIFS to account for the additional variable.

    Will this work?

  • Andrew Lucia

    That worked. Thanks for the help.

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