Can Smartsheet do an "if" "then"

Example would be I have two columns. I'm trying to populate column 2 based on the value of column 1 as follows:

if the value in column1 is $75,000 - 250,000 then populate column 1 with $2500

if the value in column1 is $251,000 - $1,000,000 then populate column 1 with $5000

if the value in column1 is $1,000,000 or above then populate column 1 with $10000

Can this be done in smartsheet?

Best Answer

  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion
    edited 10/26/21 Answer ✓

    @Desmond Smith

    You got an extra "@row" here: [Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row)@rowan.bradley@row

    This should work now:

    =IF(AND([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row >=75000,[Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row<=250000), "$2500", IF(AND([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row>= 251000,[Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row < 1000000), "$5000", IF([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row>=100000, "$10000")))


  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion

    Hi @Desmond Smith

    Yes, it could be done in smartsheet, please see below formula

    =IF(AND([Column1]@row >= 75000, [Column1]@row <= 250000), "$2500", IF(AND([Column1]@row >= 251000, [Column1]@row < 1000000), "$5000", IF([Column1]@row >= 100000, "$10000")))

  • Desmond Smith
    Desmond Smith ✭✭
    edited 10/26/21

    @Christina Lam I tried it and it didn't work, can't find the error in the formula:

    =IF(AND([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row)@row>=75000,[Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row<=250000), "$2500",if(and([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row>= 251000,[Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row < 1000000), "$5000",if([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row>=100000, "$10000")))

  • Christina09
    Christina09 Community Champion
    edited 10/26/21 Answer ✓

    @Desmond Smith

    You got an extra "@row" here: [Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row)@rowan.bradley@row

    This should work now:

    =IF(AND([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row >=75000,[Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row<=250000), "$2500", IF(AND([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row>= 251000,[Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row < 1000000), "$5000", IF([Estimated New Annual (ACV) Net Booking $ Amount]@row>=100000, "$10000")))

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