IF AND OR Formula


I need a formula that will default to a specific value if two criteria are met. If "Approved" and "Not Started" Or "Draft" Change the final status to "Excluded" else use what is in the other status from Service Now.

=IF(AND([Exclusion Status]@row = "Approved", [Service Now Addenda Status]@row = "Not Started"), OR([Service Now Addenda Status]@row = "Draft"), "Excluded", [Service Now Addenda Status]@row)


  • Hayley B
    Hayley B ✭✭✭

    Hi MJ!

    The OR operator is in the wrong place. It should preceded both OR conditions like AND does in your argument set.

    Try this!

    =IF(AND([Exclusion Status]@row = "Approved", OR([Service Now Addenda Status]@row = "Not Started",[Service Now Addenda Status]@row = "Draft")), "Excluded", [Service Now Addenda Status]@row)


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