Cross Sheet Formula to list children in separate cells

Matt Stewart
Matt Stewart ✭✭
edited 11/12/21 in Formulas and Functions

Im creating an agenda sheet template where people can plug in a parent SKU, and then if there is children it auto populates all the children SKU underneath it, each child in its own cell/row.

I can get it working manually adjusting formulas, but was hoping to get a more user friendly version that people can drag the formula down more rows if there is additional children. (i will also include a helper column that states if there is more children or not)

Formula that works manually:

<<$SKU10 = the parent sku they manually input>>

<<Requires me to manually adjust formula in each SKU11, SKU12, etc to keep adding the additional cell to omit from results>>

=INDEX(COLLECT({SKU Range}, {Parent SKU Range}, $SKU10, {Duplicate SKU Range}, "",{SKU Range}, <>SKU11, {SKU Range}, <>SKU12, {SKU Range}, <>SKU13, {SKU Range}, <>SKU14), 1)

Working formula i can not get to work:

=INDEX(COLLECT({SKU Range}, {Parent SKU Range}, $SKU10, {Duplicate SKU Range}, "", {SKU Range}, NOT(CONTAINS(@cell, COLLECT(SKU$11:SKU14))), 1))

Best Answer

  • Matt Stewart
    Matt Stewart ✭✭
    edited 11/12/21 Answer ✓

    never-mind... after more trial and error i think i got it:

    =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({SKU Range}, {Parent SKU Range}, $SKU$10, {Duplicate SKU Range}, "", {SKU Range}, NOT(CONTAINS(@cell, SKU$11:SKU14))), 1), "")

    now i can have anyone drag fill formulas down for the rows to add the number of children needed to view in agenda


  • Matt Stewart
    Matt Stewart ✭✭
    edited 11/12/21 Answer ✓

    never-mind... after more trial and error i think i got it:

    =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({SKU Range}, {Parent SKU Range}, $SKU$10, {Duplicate SKU Range}, "", {SKU Range}, NOT(CONTAINS(@cell, SKU$11:SKU14))), 1), "")

    now i can have anyone drag fill formulas down for the rows to add the number of children needed to view in agenda

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