Combining IF(AND & IF(OR Statements

I have 2 statements I m trying to combine to answer the question: Is an Extension Required?

=IF([Extended Due Date]@row > [Due Date]@row, "Yes", "No")

=IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), [Extended Due Date]@row = "N/A"), "Yes", "No")

Both statements work, but I need them combined.

Please help


  • BullandKhmer
    BullandKhmer ✭✭✭✭✭

    =IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), [Extended Due Date]@row = "N/A", [Extended Due Date]@row > [Due Date]@row), "Yes", "No")

  • BullandKhmer
    BullandKhmer ✭✭✭✭✭

    the above is if and and

    the below is if and or

    =IF(OR(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), [Extended Due Date]@row = "N/A"),[Extended Due Date]@row > [Due Date]@row), "Yes", "No")

  • BullandKhmer
    BullandKhmer ✭✭✭✭✭

    not sure which one you were looking for?

  • Doris F
    Doris F ✭✭
    edited 11/30/21

    First, thank you @BullandKhmer, @Mike Wilday, and @Heather Duff for taking the time to respond. I copied and pasted the formulas you provided , but returned #UNPARSEABLE. I think I should provide more information.

    Here goes:

    I have the following columns:

    I want to calculate Extension Required and Extension Adherence (last 2 columns). NOTE: When data is initially logged in, the Extension Approval Date is "N/A"

    Extension Required Criteria: (Values: Yes/No or Blank)

    Extension Required is "Yes" if

    (1) the Due Date is in the past (< TODAY()) and there is no Extension Approval Date (N/A), and no Closure Date (blank) OR

    (2) the Due Date is in the past (< TODAY()) and there is no Extension Approval Date (N/A), and the Closure Date greater than (after) the Due Date OR

    (3) the Due Date is in the past (< TODAY()), and the Extension Approval Date is after (>) the Due Date

    Leave Extension Required Blank ("") if

    (4) the Due Date is in the future

    Extension Adherence Criteria: (Values: Yes/No or N/A or Blank)

    (1) Extension Adherence is "Yes" if the Extension Required is "Yes" and the Extension Approval Date less than (before) the Due Date

    (2) Extension Adherence is "No" if the Extension Required is "Yes" and the Extension Approval Date on or before(<=) the Due Date

    (3) Extension Adherence is "N/A" if the Extension Required is "No"

    (4) Extension Adherence is Blank ("") if the Extension Required is Blank ("")

    Thank you so very much for any help!!!


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