I have an automation counter that is working on 99% correctly. I cannot figure out why.

Dakota ✭✭
edited 12/22/21 in Formulas and Functions

This formula is working everywhere except on Q2. this is a test for 2022. here is the formula.

=COUNTIFS({[Juan] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Juan] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, CONTAINS("COI - Request Change", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({[Kevin] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Kevin] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, CONTAINS("COI - Request Change", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({[Reba] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Reba] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 3}, CONTAINS("COI - Request Change", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({[Seth] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Seth] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, CONTAINS("COI - Request Change", @cell))

Here is an example of it working correctly:

=COUNTIFS({[Juan] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Juan] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 3}, CONTAINS("INVOICE - Customer Site Listing", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({[Kevin] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Kevin] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, CONTAINS("INVOICE - Customer Site Listing", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({[Reba] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Reba] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 3}, CONTAINS("INVOICE - Customer Site Listing", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({[Seth] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [Tech Name:]@row, {[Seth] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 2}, CONTAINS("INVOICE - Customer Site Listing", @cell))

Best Answer

  • Dakota
    Dakota ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So it seems like smart sheets just wanted to me rewrite the formula.

    Is there any reason why I would have to rewrite 7 out of 207 column formulas that previously worked ?


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