I have a Project Managment

In other Sheet, I want to know the sum of grades that are in two criterias

1. Project owner

2. Drafting Started (Dates between January-March)


Gaby 287

Maryle 200


How i can do it?

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @maryle

    I'm happy to help. In your destination sheet (the other sheet), is there a column with the names of project owners?

    I'll write the formula assuming the names are in the other sheet, one name per row.

    =SUMIFS({Project Management Grades}, {Project Management Project Owner}, [Project Owner]@row, {Project Management Drafting Started}, @cell>=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 1, 1), {Project Management Drafting Started}, @cell<=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 3, 31))

    As this is a cross sheet reference, you remember you cannot simply copy paste this formula in but must create the references within the curly brackets. The names within your curly brackets will be different than mine.

    Shout out if you have any trouble or if the formula needs correction



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @maryle

    I'm happy to help. In your destination sheet (the other sheet), is there a column with the names of project owners?

    I'll write the formula assuming the names are in the other sheet, one name per row.

    =SUMIFS({Project Management Grades}, {Project Management Project Owner}, [Project Owner]@row, {Project Management Drafting Started}, @cell>=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 1, 1), {Project Management Drafting Started}, @cell<=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), 3, 31))

    As this is a cross sheet reference, you remember you cannot simply copy paste this formula in but must create the references within the curly brackets. The names within your curly brackets will be different than mine.

    Shout out if you have any trouble or if the formula needs correction


  • maryle
    edited 01/17/22

    Thank you so much @Kelly Moore!!!

    Now is working, exactly as you did it :)

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