Iferror and / or formula

Hi Expert,

I would like to add another check to below existing formula.

IF(AND [AC Fast track is]@row ="NO") than it should show up yes

current formula:

=IFERROR(IF(AND(OR([Test Level]@row = "A", [Test Level]@row = "B", [Test Level]@row = "C", [Test Level]@row = "D", [Test Level]@row = "E"), OR([Test Analyst]@row = "Sabrina", [Test Analyst]@row = "Thomas", [Test Analyst]@row = "Ina", )), "Yes"), "No")

I tried it but it's not working, how do I need to insert it that I will get the correct result?


Best Answer

  • Heather Duff
    Heather Duff ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Christine Menke ,

    Try this:

    =IFERROR(IF(AND([AC Fast track is]@row ="NO", OR([Test Level]@row = "A", [Test Level]@row = "B", [Test Level]@row = "C", [Test Level]@row = "D", [Test Level]@row = "E"), OR([Test Analyst]@row = "Sabrina", [Test Analyst]@row = "Thomas", [Test Analyst]@row = "Ina")), "Yes", "No"),"")

    This translates to:

    IF the [AC Fast track is] in this row is No, AND [Test Level] in this row is either A, B, C, D, or E, AND [Test Analyst] in this row is either Sabrina, Thomas, or Ina, show "Yes"; otherwise show "No". If there is an error in calculating the formula, leave the cell blank.

    If you would rather have the error not return blank, but rather return "No", simply replace "" with "No".

    Let me know if that works for you.




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