Compare cells if not blank

Paula Cosentino
Paula Cosentino ✭✭✭✭✭


I'm trying to compare two cells (both containing a city) to see if they match but I don't want blank cells included. Thank you for any help. I'm sure it's easy, but I've already spent waaaay to much time trying to figure it out! 😏

Best Answer

  • Sandra Guzman
    Sandra Guzman ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer βœ“

    Hi @Paula Cosentino,

    Try this:

    =IF(OR([Existing Clinic/Care Site City]@row = "", [New/Updated: Clinic/Care Site City]@row = ""), "", IF([Existing Clinic/Care Site City]@row = [New/Updated: Clinic/Care Site City]@row, "Match", "Not Match"))

    All the best,



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