SUMIF that excludes dates in the past

Hi, is there a way to reformat this formula below to say that you only want to take data from a particular month and year and sum it up but not include any dates from the past- so dates that are not in the future?

This formula below is referencing another sheet of mine that says it wants to sum up all of the pieces of art for a particular month and year but I want to reformat it to exclude dates from the past.

SUMIFS({High Level Artwork Status: POA Count}, {High Level Artwork Status: FK DATE}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = [Primary Column]@row, {High Level Artwork Status: FK DATE}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = 2022)

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Mina S

    If I understand you correctly, you want to modify your existing formula that is specific to a month and a year to sum anything that is not in the past.

    =SUMIFS({High Level Artwork Status: POA Count}, {High Level Artwork Status: FK DATE},IFERROR(@cell,0)>=TODAY())

    Does this work for you?



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