Creating At-Risk Formula for Level of Priorities



I'm not sure where to begin for this so looking for some guidance.

In our Legal Management Sheet we prioritize requests by the following:

Urgent - Less than 1-3 days turnaround time to execute the contract. The vendor contract is vital and needed immediately to complete an initiative/operation of the business (excl. price discounts). Critical impact,work cannot continue

High - There is a 3-7 days turnaround time to execute the contract. The vendor contract is needed to complete an initiative/operation of the business (excl. price discounts). Significant Impact

Medium - There is a 7-14 days turnaround time to execute the contract. The vendor contract is necessary but not immediately needed to complete an initiative/operation of the business. Moderate impact

Low - There are 14+ days to execute the contract. The vendor contract could be for a future initiative/operation of the business. Limited Impact

I would like to create an at-risk column or something similar that would flag the request if it's reaching towards the max end of the priority. For example, if the request (submitted by a form) is a medium priority, I would like the column to flag that there's only x days left before we pass the turnaround time of 14 days.

Essentially, a way to track and calculate turnaround time.

Thank you!


  • David Tutwiler
    David Tutwiler Overachievers Alumni

    If you are looking to flag an At Risk flag or turn a Health bubble a different color, you could do something like this. It is a series of Nested IF statements that would flag rows as At Risk based on the Priority and TODAY() vs the projected End Date.

    For this example I have written the formula to look for Urgent tasks that are 1 day away from needing to be completed and High tasks within 3 days of needing to be completed. You could modify the date fields and add to this for your other Priorities as needed. This formula also assumed that you are marking a flag to make the row At Risk and that this formula is in the At Risk column.

    =IF(AND(Priority@row = "Urgent", [End Date]@row - TODAY() < 2), true, IF(AND(Priority@row = "High", [End Date]@row - TODAY() < 4), true))

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