Unparseable error

Chris Martin
Chris Martin ✭✭✭✭
edited 04/21/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hi Team

I’m getting this error with this formula

=IF(OR(Area@row = "Grading", Area@row = "Flock"), (([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double GRADING Entries"),IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double Up FLOCK Entries"), IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded"), IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded")),"No Data Issues")

to me all the parameters are met. Or function returns true then perform the data error messages but if false return “no data issue”

What am I missing. When I click along various parts the helper knows where I am



Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Chris Martin

    See if this works

    =IF(OR(Area@row = "Grading", Area@row = "Flock"), IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double GRADING Entries", IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double Up FLOCK Entries", IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded", IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded")))), "No Data Issues")

    Did this clear your error and yield expected results?



  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭

    You first test this condition:

    OR(Area@row = "Grading", Area@row = "Flock")

    That's cool, it is a true or false question.

    If true, then ([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double GRADING Entries")

    But that is not a logically resolvable question. Are you missing an IF in front of that? If so, then that closed paren is in the wrong place, as the formula expects a FALSE, so if the next string is the FALSE, remove that closed paren. My brain can't really process the rest of this of this without help, so if you tell me what this TRUE result is supposed to accomplish I can see if I can unpack the rest.

    What I do when I have this problem is I put all of my IF statements in their own column, and I put 999 in the FALSE position. When everything is working I paste each alternative result over the 999 in the previous nest.

  • Chris Martin
    Chris Martin ✭✭✭✭

    OFcourse that makes sense have no IF really stuffed it up the rest. But now i’m getting an incorrect argument set

  • Chris Martin
    Chris Martin ✭✭✭✭

    So what i have is two columns recording number of entries in certain “areas”. there are two key areas, Grading and Flock, so if those two areas either record more than one entry or no entries i woudl like to be told.

  • Chris Martin
    Chris Martin ✭✭✭✭

    =IF(OR(Area@row = "Grading", Area@row = "Flock"), (IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double GRADING Entries"), IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double Up FLOCK Entries"), IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded"), IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded")), "No Data Issues")

    Fixed the incorrect argument error but back to unparseable

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Chris Martin

    See if this works

    =IF(OR(Area@row = "Grading", Area@row = "Flock"), IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double GRADING Entries", IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row > 1, "Check for Double Up FLOCK Entries", IF([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded", IF([Flock Records for Flock and Day]@row < 1, "Alert:No Grading records loaded")))), "No Data Issues")

    Did this clear your error and yield expected results?


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