How do you filter for a specific word w/o it pulling in things that contain the same letters?

I've created a report to pull only tasks that contain the word COA, but it's also pulling in tasks that just contain that series of letters such as "coating", is there a way to make it clear it is exact word only in the filter or other trick?


  • Christian Graf
    Christian Graf ✭✭✭✭✭

    Its difficult when other words match, try using the same formula but black listing those words using an if statement to exclude them.

    =IF(AND(value@row <> "coating", value@row <> "coat"), formula)

  • Jake Gustafson
    Jake Gustafson ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Any other options here? I am wanting to Filter results by a certain criteria to include in a Workflow.

    For example, I want things that contain 'Bar', but not Towbar or Lightbar. I'm scared of the 'black listing' solution proposed by @Christian Graf because I don't know all the values that might be undesired to enter in the formula.

  • Melissa Boehl
    Melissa Boehl ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jake Gustafson Have you tried using "is one of" or "equals"

    Melissa Boehl

    Smartsheet Architect | TurningPoint Energy

  • Jake Gustafson
    Jake Gustafson ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Melissa Boehl. The field I'm trying to filter and eventually work into a Workflow is an Item Description field, so Bar is one piece of a longer description, so those two don't work quite as well. I sub-selected the two records that meet my business logic criteria for now, but I may have to leave that one out of what I'm trying to solution for.

  • Christian Graf
    Christian Graf ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/15/22

    @Jake Gustafson

    =IF(OR(CONTAINS(" Bar", [Primary Column]@row), CONTAINS("Bar ", [Primary Column]@row), AND(CONTAINS("Bar ", [Primary Column]@row)), LEN([Primary Column]@row) = 3), 1, 0)

    This may be close to what you are looking for. It looks for the word bar with a space before or after the word. It also captures instances where the description is just “Bar”.

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