Region EU sheets - how to connect with AppSheet?

Joachim Mund
Joachim Mund ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Hi all,

we moved with our licences to the region EU and don't know how to connect a sheet from AppSheet?

Is there any solution because the AppSheet connector do not give us the possibillity to select a region.

@Genevieve P. any idea?

Thank you very much, Joachim


  • Hi @Joachim Mund

    I'm not familiar with how AppSheet connects with Smartsheet, but if you're using the Smartsheet API and you're on the EU region, you will need to update any API URLs to have (instead of .com).

    Here's more information in the API Documentation about working with API and EU:



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  • Joachim Mund
    Joachim Mund ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you @Genevieve P.

    unfortunately the smartsheet login shown by appsheet does not include the region selection.

    see screenshot and appsheet support answered they will not support the smartsheet region selection, which will force us to leave smartsheet for the use with appsheet :-(

  • Joachim Mund
    Joachim Mund ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/23/22

    @Genevieve P.

    This is the code from the above smartsheet login and I do not know why the region select picker is not shown and is'nt it code by smartsheet guys?

    <div class="clsLoginRegions enableLodestarLoginStyles"> <label for='login-region-picker'> Smartsheet-Region: </label> <select id="login-region-picker" class="clsLoginRegionPicker"> <option value="">Standard</option> <option value="">Europa</option> </select> <i class="clsLoginRegionHelpWrapper"> <button id="login-region-tooltip-target" type="button" aria-label="Regionale Hilfe" class="clsLoginHelpIcon" onfocus="showTooltips(this, 'Wählen Sie die Region aus, in der die Daten,&lt;br&gt;auf die Sie zugreifen möchten, gespeichert sind.')" onblur="hideTooltips()" onmouseenter="showTooltips(this, 'Wählen Sie die Region aus, in der die Daten,&lt;br&gt;auf die Sie zugreifen möchten, gespeichert sind.')" onmouseleave="hideTooltips()" > <svg height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="m11.997 2c5.518-.003 9.993 4.47 10 9.995.007 5.52-4.472 10.002-9.997 10.005-5.522.002-9.994-4.47-10-10-.006-5.515 4.475-9.997 9.997-10zm.006 1.5c-4.688-.007-8.497 3.796-8.505 8.491-.009 4.693 3.798 8.504 8.499 8.51 4.688.004 8.491-3.795 8.503-8.495.01-4.686-3.797-8.498-8.497-8.505zm-.031 12.175c.459 0 .826.366.825.824 0 .457-.37.827-.825.826-.448 0-.827-.385-.823-.833.003-.451.372-.817.823-.817zm.115-8.376c.819.015 1.592.3 2.228.916.479.464.78 1.022.86 1.309-.156.332-.38.61-.649.857-.217.198-.461.358-.708.515-.186.117-.37.238-.53.392-.223.212-.332.47-.328.778. 1.01-.013.09-.008.183-.023.273-.068.387-.4.651-.795.64-.37-.011-.68-.253-.75-.605-.023-.115-.017-.238-.008-.356.03-.398.14-.772.34-1.118.471-.809 1.167-1.311 2.08-1.513.263-.058.528-.088.857-.09z" fill="#111" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="m0 0h24v24h-24z"/></g></svg> </button> <div class="clsTooltips" id="login-region-tooltip" role="tooltip" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none"></div> </i></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">// Login Region(function loginRegion () { const regionPicker = document.getElementById("login-region-picker"); if (regionPicker) { // Ensure current host is selected const host = window.location.origin; for (let opt, j = 0; opt = regionPicker.options[j]; j++) { if (opt.value === host) { regionPicker.selectedIndex = j; break; } } // Navigate to other region when changed const currentRegion = regionPicker.options[regionPicker.selectedIndex].value; regionPicker.addEventListener("change", (e) => { if (regionPicker.options[regionPicker.selectedIndex].value !== currentRegion) { window.location.href = regionPicker.options[regionPicker.selectedIndex].value; } }); } const tooltipTarget = document.getElementById("login-region-tooltip-target");})();</script>

  • Hi @Joachim Mund

    Thank you for clarifying! You are correct, logging in to Appsheet with an EU instance is not currently supported.

    There are a number of third party applications that are not yet accessible from EU, but if you leave feedback to the Product team it will be helpful for them to know which ones are most important to you.

    Here's an article that goes through the differences between Smartsheet Regions that may help with future enquires.



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  • Joachim Mund
    Joachim Mund ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/23/22

    Thank you @Genevieve P. , this is a very bad news, because we cannot use our smartsheet EU licenses with appsheet.

    Thus we have to leave smartsheet for our appsheet projects 😓 and I do not know what to do with the other limitations in EU region. 😡 (no Data Shuttle, no backup, no Google Forms sync, no Google Docs add-on, .... incredible!) Is this the end of smartheet in veolia germany and its daughter companies?

    @Caroline Laurens what do you think regarding all these problems with the EU licenses?