Return task description for next task due


I'm trying to return the task description for the next task due on a project plan. Right now I'm using

=JOIN(COLLECT({Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 1}, {Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 4}, @cell < 1, {Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 6}, @cell = 1, {Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 7}, >=TODAY(7)), ", ")

And it's giving me all tasks due in the next 7 days, which makes sense. I would ultimately like it to tell me "if a task if the child of a phase, what is the task name/description for the next due task?"

My ranges are as follows:

Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 1 - Task name/description

Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 4 - % complete

Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 6 - Phase #

Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 7 - Task end date

I have tried to find this in the community but nothing seems to work.

Any help is much appreciated.


  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Can't use parent/children references inside of a collect, you need a helper column in the original sheet.

    =iferror(parent({Project Plan - EOL Asset Enterprise Range 1 - Task name/description}),"")

    Change the other column reference to the applicable local reference, and make it a column formula. Then you can reference the helper instead of the task column

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