Need help with a formula to create a pick list from a column on another sheet


We have a Project Intake Sheet that lists the Clients, the Status (active, etc) and the PM's working with each client.

When filling out the Issue/Risk log, I'd like the values which appear in the cells in the client column to be presented as a single option pick list and be limited to only the active projects which the PM is assigned as listed on the Project Intake sheet.

Does anyone know if this is possible and how to create a formula to do this?


Best Answer

  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    Smartsheet doesn't (yet) have dynamic drop downs (Highly suggest submitting an enhancement request:

    If you have Data Shuttle, you can update Dropdowns from another sheet or report. But it wouldn't limit it by the person who is viewing - you could have all of the clients listed, but everyone would see every client.

    Now... If you have Data Shuttle AND your PMs are adding entries to your Issue/Risk Log using a form, you could create a dropdown column specific to each PM, which contains the list of their clients (updated using data shuttle) and in the Form, use logic to display that PM's dropdown column when they add their name in the form: here' one I've done for our PTO tracking that works this way...

    It's not exactly a dynamic dropdown, but it works as a work-around.


  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    Smartsheet doesn't (yet) have dynamic drop downs (Highly suggest submitting an enhancement request:

    If you have Data Shuttle, you can update Dropdowns from another sheet or report. But it wouldn't limit it by the person who is viewing - you could have all of the clients listed, but everyone would see every client.

    Now... If you have Data Shuttle AND your PMs are adding entries to your Issue/Risk Log using a form, you could create a dropdown column specific to each PM, which contains the list of their clients (updated using data shuttle) and in the Form, use logic to display that PM's dropdown column when they add their name in the form: here' one I've done for our PTO tracking that works this way...

    It's not exactly a dynamic dropdown, but it works as a work-around.

  • David Jasven
    David Jasven ✭✭✭✭

    @MCorbin and @Ed S

    I faced a similar issue and found it cumbersome to update the dropdown manually in multiple places. To solve this, I developed a solution that allows dropdowns to auto-populate based on a column from another sheet, making it easier to manage dynamic lists like employee names without the need for premium tools.

    You can see how it works in this demo video below. I hope it solves a big need.

    I'm here to help if you have any questions or need further assistance.

    ✅ If my response helped solve your problem, please consider marking it as Insightful, Vote Up, or Awesome. It helps the community find solutions more easily!


    David Jasven | Workflow and Business Process Consultant / CEO @

    W: | E: | WhatsApp: +1 347 380-7697

    Feel comfortable to contact me for any help with Smartsheet, integrations, general business process advice, or anything else. I am more responsive on Whatsapp 🙃

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