Formula for Ternure


Based on the hiring date (column), how can I create a formula for Ternure to be shown in days, months & years?

Thank you


  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭

    This will give you how many years based off a hire date. Then you could take the number of years by month and days

    =(TODAY() - Hiredatecolumn@row) / 365

  • Sonia.DomGon

    Unfortunately, it's not giving me the proper data.

    From amount of days, how can I convert it to years, months and days in the same formula?

  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭

    You could make a column for Year , Month, and Day separately. Lets use 07/06/20 as an example hire date.

    you will also want to use the decrease decimal button in the upper left hand corner

    So =(TODAY() - Hiredatecolumn@row) / 365 would give you the YEAR column of 2

    Then =YEAR@row * 12 would give you the MONTHS of 24

    Then =YEAR@row * 365 would give you the days of 730

  • Sonia.DomGon

    I want to achieve something like this :)

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