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Can I set start date by status in card view

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I'm wondering if it is possible to set the start date and end date using card view. The idea being that when I set it to In Progress, the start date gets set to today and when I set it to Done, the start date gets set to today. 

Thank you!


  • Hi,

    You might be able to place a formula in your date column, for example: =IF(Status1 = "In Progress", TODAY())

    You'd need to add your formula in the grid view of the sheet (not card view), and make sure to adjust the formula to reference cells in your sheet. More on creating formulas here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2476171-create-and-edit-formulas-in-smartsheet

    There are also a few caveats with this:

    1. You can't place formulas in date columns being used with the dependencies functionality.
    2. TODAY will always return the current date as long as the IF statement is true, and there isn't a workaround for TODAY to only return one date and then stop. For example, if you open the sheet tomorrow, TODAY will update the date to 5/16/17.
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