How do I add a formula to update the status of a row based on 2 approvals?

Hi! I would like to incorporate a status update for a row based on COO and CEO approvals. The following formula is returning an unparseable error. Can someone help? Thanks so much.



  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/14/22

    So I assumed both Need to be approved to show green and if only one is denied you want Red

    =IF(AND([Coo Approval]@row = "Approved", CEO@row = "Approved"), "Green", IF(OR([Coo Approval]@row = "Denied", CEO@row = "Denied"), "Red", "Yellow"))

    This will make its stay yellow until both are Approved or if one is denied.

  • mrebottini
    mrebottini ✭✭✭

    Yes, thank you so much! I will try it now!

  • mrebottini
    mrebottini ✭✭✭

    I used the following, but the field is still showing an unparseable error.

    =IF(AND([COO APPROVAL]1 = "Approved", ([CEO APPROVAL]1 = "Approved"), "Green", IF(OR([COO APPROVAL]1 = "DECLINED", CEO APPROVAL]1 = "DECLINED"), "Red", "Yellow"))

  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/14/22

    If you need all the cells to reference the first cell in Ceo, and Coo

    use this

    =IF(AND([coo approval]1 = "Approved", [coo approval]1 = "Approved"), "Green", IF(OR([ceo approval]1 = "Declined", [ceo approval]1 = "Declined"), "Red", "Yellow"))

    You were missing some [

  • mrebottini
    mrebottini ✭✭✭

    Thank you so much! It worked!!

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