IF Formula Help

I am trying to use an IF formula for a Net Amount column that needs to show "Invoice Amount" for all invoices that meet the KSA Invoice? criteria and "Invoice Amount-Withholding Tax" for all other invoices. I get an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error for the following attempt:

=IF([KSA Invoice?]@row, "YES", [Invoice Amount (USD)]@row, [Invoice Amount (USD)]@row - [WHT (Withholding Tax)]@row)

Any suggestions?


  • DesireeJones
    DesireeJones ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Alexandra,

    Try pasting this into the "Net Amount/Invoice Amount" column:

    =IF([KSA Invoice?]@row = "YES", [Invoice Amount (USD)]@row, [Invoice Amount (USD)]@row - [WHT (Withholding Tax)]@row)

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